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一、 I played basketball for several times 是错的

In English, when talking about separate events or the number of times something happened, you do not need to use "for".
You should use "for" when you specify the amount of time or the duration of something.

二、man woman

Yes, man rhymes with fan, men rhymes with hen, woman rhymes with "come in", and women rhymes with swimmin'.


"I will only love you" technically means "I will love you and do nothing else to you." That is nice to say. However, many people use it to mean "I will love only you".

"I will only love you" technically doesn't stop me from loving other people.

While "I will love only you" means "I will love you and no one else."

So now you can say to your lover:

"I will love only you."

And tell your lover to respond with:

"And I you."

四、In time, On time
"On time" implies there is a set time for something to happen. In others words, whenever there is a specific time point, use "on time"

For example:

Please have the report done on time. (There is a specific deadline)

The show starts at 8 pm, please be on time.

The plane is scheduled to land on time.

On the other hand, "In time" implies the timing is set by an event rather than a certain time.

For example:

"I will get to the train in time"
"I will get to the train soon enough to catch it".

I was asked a question recently about the difference between "connotation" and "meaning". So I want to share my answer with you.

"Meaning" usually means "the literal definition of a word".

"Connotation" means "an idea or feeling someone has in relation to a word".

Here are some examples:

He has a negative connotation with the word "family" because his own family is not very close. (He has a bad feeling about the word "family")

The literal meaning of family is "a group of parents and children living together".

"Homework" has a positive connotation for her because she likes to learn by doing homework.

Many people have a negative connotation with "homework".

The meaning of "homework" is "schoolwork assigned to be done outside of the classroom".

六、Auld Lang Syne





