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英语笔记(四)try to do sth+I’ll be doing sth



From now on we will be calling these "features" that we import mudules.

This second file isn't a script but a plain text file we'll be reading in our script.



I ordered a vindaloo. I won’t be doing that again in a hurry!
Their customer service was abysmal. I’ll be shopping elsewhere in future!
This proposed law is ridiculous. I’ll be voting against it.​

I’ll be focusing on Amazon and eBay for the majority of this guide,

adj. 深不可测的; 完全的; 极糟的; 深海的


It's not a particularly significant choice, but using the continuous form adds a stronger nuance of "immediacy". That's to say the temporal frame suggested by such statements tends to include the present as well as the future. If we contrast them...

1a: I will not be giving Donald Trump a chance.
1b: I will not give Donald Trump a chance.

2a: I won't be giving a little reset button like Hillary
2b: I won't give a little reset button like Hillary

...then in #1a it's more a matter of the speaker telling us what her position is in relation to Trump, whereas in #1b she's talking about what she will or won't do in the future.

Even more specifically, in #2a Trump is bringing up something Clinton is doing right now, as opposed to #2b ...like Hillary [did, in the past].

backlinko.com 说的:

I’ll be sending you super-actionable content that will help you generate more traffic, leads, and sales over the next few weeks.

actionable advice

二、try to do sth和try doing sth

try to do 表示“努力做某事”;
Try doing 表示“尝试做某事”。

try to do 表面的意思是;
而try doing 表面意思也是:

I tried putting Chinese into these strings, but r% prints out weird symbols.
We tried cloning Airbnb, but it didn’t work because it’s so brand and community focused


You use try + to-infinitive to mean to make an effort to do something. The sentence #1 means that I make an effort to ride a bike.

You use try + -ing form of a verb to mean to test or use something in order to know if it is useful, effective, or enjoyable. The sentence #2 means that I use/test whether it is useful, effective, or enjoyable to ride a bike.

三、Addressing v. 处理; 演讲; 称呼(address的现在分词); 致函;
Addressing somebody as "Sir John" is entirely different from "Sir". (It's actually the equivalent to "Mr Smith")

四、click on和click没有区别

please click on the following URL

Please click the following link to verify your email address

五、Nintendo 任天堂
Our team of expert writers has been assembled with the sole purpose of making you, our favourite reader, the most knowledgeable and popular Nintendo fan you can be.

六、a tool of seeing
Audience insights is an incredibly powerful tool of seeing people's interests and demographics and all types of different info about basically anything in the world.

七、google trends
可以使用google trends了解你的客户,比如哪个国家的客户对你的产品最感兴趣。

八、all you need to do is to.....
what we need to do is to .....

Basically, all you need to do is to pick a keyword and switch to the keyword difficulty tab in Rank Tracker's lower screen.
(When you setup your Domain on your PBN, then all you need to do is channel the incoming link juice to its pages forward to your money site page(s). )
Ok, at this stage, what we need to do is to get rid of keyword phrases that have search volume below 50,keyword difficulty over 66,and consist of more than 5 words.

九、when it comes to ....
So, when it comes to filtering, I would say that if keywords have a keyword difficulty score under 33, you need to grab them and run.
Those that vary from 34-66 are a bit tricky but still deserve being on the list. Those that are above 66 are definitely not our bros and go to trash with no regrets.

十、now that
Well, now that we've defined the creteria of our keyword filtering, let's get our actual keyword X-factor started.

we believe that our brand or reputation may be tarnished by you or in connection with your participation in the Associates Program。

With the plug-in, you can link directly to those products – all with just a few clicks, and without having to leave your WordPress Editor.

十三、as of
Thank you for nine great years
As of October 16, DramaFever has been shut down.

十四、when it comes to
可加动名词 doing 或名词,因为这个 to 是介词.例句(源自金山词霸2009牛津版):
When it comes to dancing,I'm all thumbs.谈到跳舞,我真是一窍不通.
When it comes to art,I almost know nothing.一谈到艺术,我几乎一无所知.

However, when it comes to adding content to your website it's vital that you select a subject that you can actually show up for in Google.


you will need to keep in mind that the USA and Canada use differently-sized paper than Europe and much of the rest of the world.

The attached document is set to North American “Letter” size.




