
日常单词(旅游) 印度: 一、 1.chaotic streets As the first country I visited in Asia, I definitely experienced some culture shock as I left the Mumbai Airport and walked into the chaotic streets. 2 acclimated 适应了 But once I got acclimated, I fell in love with India. 3.位居...之首 As one of the cheapest places ……


看邮件,学英语 1 I can be reached by cell phone at 305 923 6779 in the event of difficulties. But not before 10 pm tonight, I am speaking in Philadelphia from 7 pm. I can be reached by cell phone at 305 923 6779 in the event of difficulties in find the location. 2.wire sums of money over the next few days I ne……

In journey or on journey

In journey or on journey 今天,在google search console看到一句话:Track progress and celebrate happy moments in your site's journey。 当时的第一反应是:这里不是应该用on your site's journye么? 可是google显然不会错呀,于是查找了一翻,发现In journey 、 on journey二者都是对的。 旅程是一个事件,因此介词指的是“时间”。 “In”比“……

英语笔记(28) 日常单词

英语笔记(28) 日常单词 1.breach If an affiliate breaches the following terms they will be instantly banned/blacklisted from promoting our products, and any future sales will be voided without warning. 2.rip I rip them and make them better and host them 3.请放心 Upon checking on my resources, your account is currently un……


Marketing英语 1. I just discovered an epic free way of increasing your Youtube Video CTR! Happy to share it if anyone is interested? 2.浓缩配方 GlucoFort contains a concentrated formula of powerful natural antioxidants scientifically designed to support blood sugar levels in the body.


菜名的翻译 1.中国菜名翻译的原则 2.北京冬奥会菜单上为什么所有「翻炒」「爆炒」的菜翻译都用了 sautéed,而不是 stir-fry?. 回答: 比如题主关心的爆炒,这本书里能找到“Sautéed“,”Stir-fried“和”Braised“三种译法。 本该用“Sautéed”的干煸菜式里面肉菜基本上都还合适,到了蔬菜这块莫名其妙的变成了“Fried”,让人摸不着头脑……

英语 About life

英语 About life 1.there simple rules of life if you don't go after what you want, you will never have it. if you don't ask the answer will always be no. if you don't step forward you will always remain in the same place.


AI图片单词(Midjourney) 1.psychedelic ruins 迷幻的 废墟 2.Acropolis 卫城 3.Urungus 乌龙古斯 4.Demonic Samurai 恶魔 武士 5.buxom, Filipina, bikini, portrait, highly detailed, character photography, Incredible pink translucent illustration, Exquisite detail, octane render, 8k, post-processing buxom 丰满 菲律宾人 6.The Godd……

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