


日常英语 1.Dear friends, Long post ahead. Right now I’m very disturbed and shivering while writing this. I’m a mother of a toddler who is 2 and half years old. We (me, husband and baby) moved to china a year ago. Being international students, our Chinese is not good. Despite this, my husband and I always g……


英语(外链) 1.According to tina priestly, founder of ready set, pantry org is one of the most commonly overlooked chores people tackle each week. Regardless of how often you deep clean your bathroom, marla, the president of MollyMaid, says a weekly-clean is a must. xx


旅游英语(二) 1.stopover A stopover to the nearby Fujian-descendent villages of Caizhai 蔡宅 – famed for its tofu production – and Shantou 山头 – a baijiu producing locale – round out a Qingyuan visit. 2. With Nomago’s ex-colleagues, we planned a trip to Seville in 2023, but it didn’t happen because of work obl……


旅游英语(一)开头 https://www.thatsmags.com/guangzhou/post/36245/lishui-travel-guide-villages-verandas-mushrooms-mountains (一)用xx is xx 1. Nanzhi Old Street (南直老街) is a historic winding street in the center of Songyang County Town, dating back to the Qing Dynasty. This 300-meter-long alley is lined by mud-r……


日常单词 1. Incentive n. 激励,鼓励,奖励;刺激;诱因,动机; adj. 奖励(性)的;鼓励(性)的;刺激(性)的; 2.也要考虑 Other factors, such as the product’s average sale price, commission rate, and refund rate, should also be taken into account when selecting products to promote. 3.comply with Display & Video ……


日常单词(旅游) 印度: 一、 1.chaotic streets As the first country I visited in Asia, I definitely experienced some culture shock as I left the Mumbai Airport and walked into the chaotic streets. 2 acclimated 适应了 But once I got acclimated, I fell in love with India. 3.位居...之首 As one of the cheapest places ……


看邮件,学英语 1 I can be reached by cell phone at 305 923 6779 in the event of difficulties. But not before 10 pm tonight, I am speaking in Philadelphia from 7 pm. I can be reached by cell phone at 305 923 6779 in the event of difficulties in find the location. 2.wire sums of money over the next few days I ne……

In journey or on journey

In journey or on journey 今天,在google search console看到一句话:Track progress and celebrate happy moments in your site's journey。 当时的第一反应是:这里不是应该用on your site's journye么? 可是google显然不会错呀,于是查找了一翻,发现In journey 、 on journey二者都是对的。 旅程是一个事件,因此介词指的是“时间”。 “In”比“……

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